Foursome at Towhee Club


Foursome at Towhee Club

Spring Hill, TN

Spring Hill, TN

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Welcome to Towhee Club, Middle Tennessee's new favorite golf club. Located in Spring Hill, Tennessee, just a short drive south of Nashville, Towhee Club is an 18-hole golf course designed by The King himself, Arnold Palmer. In 2020, a new ownership group committed to making Towhee Club the finest public golf course in Middle Tennessee. Previously known as King’s Creek Golf Club and re-introduced in 2020 as Towhee Club when a new ownership group committed to making Towhee Club the finest public golf course in Middle Tennessee. Towhee Club, pronounced TOW-hee, marks the renaissance of this hidden gem nestled among the fields and streams of Spring Hill, Tennessee. A year-round inhabitant of central Tennessee and most of the South, the Eastern Towhee bird is heard far more often than it is seen. The towhee can commonly be found in the undergrowth along the edges of farm fields and backyards of Middle Tennessee. While they are often solitary, the towhee's distinctive call is a constant reminder of their presence. If you are lucky enough to spot these elusive birds, their ruddy orange and black feathers can be strikingly beautiful. EVENTS: At Towhee Club, golf events are our specialty. Whether you are planning a small golf outing of 16 players or a full-field shotgun, allow our experienced hospitality experts to assist you with every detail. Our team works together to provide memorable experiences all year round. Format considerations are important when we are blocking space or collecting pricing information. Details: Greens fees, carts, range balls (4 players) Restrictions: Certificate expires 12 months after event date. Book tee time no more than 6 days in advance. Valid: Valid for play on Monday-Thursday but excluding holidays.

A note from Goodpasture Christian School: IT'S AUCTION TIME! Our Goodpasture Online auction opens at 8:00 a.m. Monday, October 16th, and will close at 10:00 p.m. Monday, October 23rd. Be sure to check out the line up; maybe even do a little Christmas Shopping. All proceeds from the Online Auction will go to the 2023-2024 Annual Fund. These funds will help with W.F. Ruhl Fine Arts Renovations, Transportation, Security Upgrades, Financial Aid and Soccer Complex Upgrades. YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED!

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